Shapes OPZ
Shapes is a music art/visualization project for the OP-Z.
It uses MIDI received from Teenage Engineering's OP-Z synthesizer (via the Web MIDI API).
- Plug in your OP-Z into your computer
- Make sure it's set to output midi (I used the iOS app to do this)
- Click on the connect button
Using the settings menu bar to change shape, color, pattern, etc. If you close the menu, then hover your mouse over the TOP LEFT corner to reveal a button to open it again.OP-Z Controls
A number of the params are controllable with the OP-Z directly. Specifically using the MOTION track (far right).
- MOTION: GREEN DIAL: fade rate
- MOTION: BLUE DIAL: speed (grow rate)
- MOTION: YELLOW DIAL: pattern (vertical, horizontal, octogon, dot)
- MOTION: RED DIAL: shape (circle, square, triangle, random)
Just try and you'll get it.
Uses to parse midi. A link to the code can be found in the libary's example section.
Browser Support
Unfortunately Web MIDI is supported by a limited number of browsers. tl;dr, I'd recommend using Chrome.
gl hf